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We believe in the quality of our work. That’s why we proudly offer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on our Residential Pest Control, Cockroach Control, Scorpion Control, Termite Control, Rodent Control and Weed Control Services. If you are not happy with the results, we will provide additional service with no extra charge until you are completely satisfied. Otherwise, you can request for a 100% refund or credit back to your account.
Re-service Guarantee
We guarantee to re-service your home or business for free, if pest problems return between our scheduled visits.
Price Guarantee
We offer a 2-Year Price Lock Guarantee which means that you don’t have to worry about increasing pest control rates for a minimum of two years.
Pest Control Guarantee
We guarantee to remove all covered pests on the interior and exterior of your property through our high-quality pest control service

There are a variety of species of squirrels. They come in a range of sizes and colors, but, typically they have longer rear legs and sturdy claws, making them excellent at climbing.

With their being such a large variety of squirrels in the world, they can be found in almost any environment. From tropical rainforests to public parks, you can find them just about anywhere in the world.

Primarily active during and throughout the early morning and late evening, they spend most of their time foraging for the food.
Squirrels feed mainly on nuts, seeds, fungi, fruit and other plant life. Their are some species that will ingest insects, eggs and other small vertebrate, but this is usually done as a last resort.
If you would like to get in contact with us, you can give us a call