Getting Rid of Lady Bugs
Getting Rid of Lady Bugs
Ladybugs are mostly harmless creatures; however, with Spring approaching fast, ladybug populations will be on the rise. Therefore, it is important to know some methods of prevention and extermination should they choose your home as their new habitat!
Posing a Threat
Ladybugs, for the most part, pose no threat to humans. However, some species of ladybugs, such as the Asian lady beetle, are known to aggravate asthma and cause allergic reactions in others. Furthermore, they also put off a foul-smelling, yellow fluid that may stain what it comes in contact with. Therefore, taking preventative measures to ensure your home and family are safe is essential.
Prevention Techniques
There are plenty of things that can attract ladybugs to your home. For instance, if you have plants near your home, ladybugs can be drawn closer to your home. However, that does not mean you have to uproot your garden. You just need to take preventative measures!
- Take Action – When combating ladybugs, if you ignore the few that you see inside your home, you will only make the issue worse. Ladybugs give off a scent that attracts other ladybugs to their location.
- Sealing Off – make sure to repair all window and door screens! Furthermore, make sure that all holes and gaps in the foundation of your home, or the paneling, are sealed off.
- Remove Their Scent – Natural oils like citrus and citronella can help cover their smell, as well as repel others from following.
Call the Professionals
While we understand wanting to resolve this issue on your own, we encourage you to reach out to us for help, if you require assistance! We use proven methods known to reliably remove mosquitoes from your property while keeping your family’s safety as the priority. If you have any questions regarding our methods and availability, do not hesitate to reach out to us! At Accurate Pest Control, we ensure the job is done properly while keeping your family’s safety as our top priority.