Formosan Termite
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Formosan Termite

Formosan termites are similar to subterranean termites. Their colony is made up of workers, soldiers and winged reproductives.
Workers – Workers are similar to other termite species because of their white coloration.
Soldiers – Soldiers have egg-shaped heads and curved mandibles, and are known to be more aggressive than other termites.
Reproductives – Winged termites are 1/2 to 3/5 inch and are yellowish to brown in color. Swarms or termite reproductives will appear at night during late May to early June and they will be attracted to lights. They have four translucent wings that are equal in size, and are milky in color.

Formosan termites are known as dangerous and aggressive since they can consume wood faster than other termite species. To build their habitat, these termites will create a mud nest underground. In their natural habitat, these termites will live in trees and shrubs. In indoor structures, these pests will chew through wood, flooring and wallpaper. They can also infest timber, utility poles, and boats.

These termites are known for their aggressive behavior. They will attack wood through their underground soil colony. Once they have touched the wood, they will consume the wood until it is entirely destroyed. It only takes three to six months for them to accomplish their task of destruction.
While they are known for creating underground colonies, these termites can also create colonies above ground. Like most termites, they build networks of galleries that are well hidden. Once the colonies become mature, alates will leave their old colony to create their own.
Formosan termite soldiers are also known to defend their colony when it is disturbed. As an act of defense, these soldiers will emit a white liquid to capture their enemies.
These termites consume anything that has wood fiber on it. They are attracted to homes, building, trees and crops because of the wood that they can consume from them.
Life Cycle
Their colony has a king, queen, workers, and reproductives. A new colony will start with female and male alates swarming in late May until early June. They prefer the evening hours when humidity is high and will go near lights as much as they can. After mating, the female and male reproductives will search for soil, where the female can lay her eggs. Once the colony is created and workers are able to gather wood-fiber, the colony will start to grow with the queen being able to produce more than 1,000 eggs in a day.
Other Information and Tips
Formosan termites are known to be aggressive and are known to cause structural damage in homes. They are even known for their other nicknames, such as super-termite.
Signs of infestation:
• Presence of swarmers
• Mud tubes
• Damaged wood
• Presence of nests
It is important for homeowners to act fast when these termites are seen or when evidence of these termites have been noticed. To get rid of these pest, contact your local pest control specialist to finally get rid of the infestation.
If you would like to get in contact with us, you can give us a call